


Today we have a good news for you, not good exactly, super good news, indeed! It’s also a friendly one for every body: Sure Manufacturing have made a recycling loop for our garments.



Recycling of clothes

Speaking of  recycling clothes, what comes up to your head? selling them to a second-hand shop, remaking a clothe from used clothes, or donating them to other countries?  I’m nonchalant about wearing second-hand clothes but I guess some don’t like it very much but the overall recycling rate is still less than 20% worldwide. The awareness towards the recycle of cardboards, plastic is growing but T-shirts are also pretty much a commodity, right?



Sure’s approach towards recycle part1

Recycling kinda makes you feel that you are doing a right thing huh? and I feel the same. But at the same time the feasibility is necessary. We separate the garbage into categories such as plastic bottles, aluminum cans etc but without much awareness about it because we don’t see in reality how the recycling process goes but when it comes to clothes and its recycling, we are a manufacture of clothes and we should be the most professional about it. Don’t you think so?

I’ll be honest about it. For me, some companies say it aloud that we think of the recycling as the most important but they all sound like they are just doing it as a part of their marketing efforts to sell more. So, my passion about making clothes was all about making cool clothes. Eco mind was the second or less than the third priority, I’d say.



Present issues about recycling

I’ll be very clear about this. It’s the COST.  You might have guessed the same but you are insightful if so. It’s been there for ages the way to process garments back to cotton. Those reclaimed cotton-made fabrics are usually used for buffering or soundproofing materials or sometimes just waste cloths. Of course, several different materials are all mixed up so the cost to make a clothe from reclaimed cotton is eye-popping expensive. Each fabric has a different specification so that the separation takes much cost and time.  Applying this framework to a T-shirt, T-shirts are normally 100% cotton made but if you see closely, the threads are usually polyester. It’s always easy to come up with the negative reasons  so we need to think from a different angle.



Sure’s approach towards recycle part 2

Well, I came to realize that we can do it and that will make everyone happy. This is kinda too romantic to say but we are a manufacture so of course we do tons of clothings. In addition, we do have lots and lots of fabrics as well. Yes, fabrics are all resources, ones closer to cotton than garments. This might be surprising for your but we throw away more than 30% of those fabrics when making clothes because the fabric scrap occurs when cutting fabric. The more we make clothes, the more fabric scrap are to be produced and we throw them way without feeling guilty about it. But, this  is already becoming a social responsibility for me and for all clothe manufactures.



Closed recycling loop

Our approach towards recycling this time is not a open recycling loop but there is a reason for that. Of course, the closed recycling loop is desirable and the best but then the feasibility lacks for a small company like us. So, as the first step, we gotta do what we can do. Our T-shirts and our sweater are all made of 100% cotton and even if we process them back to cotton, they are of course the same, 100% cotton. So, we can omit the most expensive process of the recycling, the separation.  This is the approach that only manufactures can do and it’s feasible.



What’s the recycling loop?

Cottons are processed to threads, then into fabric, and finally into clothes. And it goes back again to cotton, a pure efo-friendly circulation, yeah? To be more precise, spinning, weaving, forming, cutting, sewing and selling. Each section for the recycling is now connected to make our recycling loop completed even though those divisions in the fashion world is very distinct in normal cases. So, usually the effort towards recycling just ends within each company but this time we are making the whole recycling loop thanks to all the partnered companies around us.




Sure’s good T-s are good Ts for the earth. Even a small company like us has a chance to make the world better and through this eco-friendly approach, I got to meet good people with good minds. With this T, I want to share with you some small happiness that you are doing good for the world and that you are willingly participating the activity to save the world. Moreover, I’ll be super happy if our T has a good place in your closet.


It might be a small step. No, it is a small step, I know but it is still a step forward for the better world and for the humanity.



Thank you for your support



English note by TCB jeans Ryo. Arigato!

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